Drinking Panadol and Phensic and Advil for others.....

I am just wondering..........is it not very abnormal and inappropriate and against all etiquette for anyone to drink Panadol for other people headache? Especially in the business arena...This beauty came for me to make her pageant dress and from all indication, there is a conflict with her pageant organizer and a rival organization whom I also know and close to. I know both rival organizations, and have worked with both of them, now they are having issues!!! And I am stuck in the middle!!!!! Pluuuuze! I am a business woman!! Out to make money and fame!! So, am I supposed to walk away from both organizations so as not to hurt any one of them?! Haba!!!

Nothing personal, strictly business, especially if it is a mutual relationship like you need my service and I need your business/publicity etc.....But Africans take things too far!! Americans would smile and go ahead with the business, even exchange gifts and life goes on!! Afterall, it is said to be, Nothing personal, just doing business!

And if person be my friend and we all have a mutual friend, and una two fall out, and the other person no do me anything directly, I SHALL remain friends with the person till he/she give me reason to change my mind. And I WILL only change my mind about the person IF I see any reason to.

Like I have two enterprising ladies in my life now, I met Ms B through Ms A. I have known Ms A longer than Ms B, of course. Now Ms A and Ms B dont talk anymore, I never involved myself when their yawa was going on.....(knowing women, if you do, they will use you to settle quarrel later!) And to me, they were both at fault!!! Well, they fell out! Now, Ms B brought me an awesome deal, and I am working on it, but I havent told Ms A about it....cos I know she wont be happy and may even carry 'agro' for me! (women!!!)......because if Ms A and Ms B were still friends, I know the deal would have gone to Ms A! But this is a deal that cant be hidden for too long, she will know very soon when it all unravels!! And I am still thinking of what to tell Ms A!

I am stuck in the middle again!!!! And they still refuse to make up!!!Haba!!!!
