Bye Bye 2007!!!

2007! Good Bye! With glee and with Joy and with happiness!

A lot happened in 2007!

Happy Times,
Sad Times,
Glorious Times,
Faithful Times,
Crying Times,
Laughter Times,
Miraculous Times,
Disappointing Times,
Magnificient times,
Adorable Times,
Romantic Times,
Dry Times,
Lonely Times,

.........just times and times and times of different things! But you know what, one time still stand!!! ALIVE TIMES!!!! We are all still alive!

Thank God!

I usher in 2008 with so much dreams, so much expectations, so m,uch plans, so much to do and so much to hope for and so much I believe in and so much so much of GOD!

have a great 2008 my friends and May we all be alive to bid 2008 goodbye and usher in 2009!

