
It is September.

The Ember months starts from today! OK......if you believe in all those crap about it being a bad period full of bad luck and things negative, then kudos to you!

But if you believe in God Almighty and know that HE is your rock and your protector. That even if you walk through the valley of shadow of death, you should fear no evil because God is with you, then welcome September and Remember that God loves you!


Let me share the words my friend sent me:

"Its over between us, we are parting to meet no more. I am gone forever for your good.

Avoid the mistakes you made while I was with you. Every limitations you encountered with me shall turn to breakthrough and your sorrows into joy.

It is me AUGUST 2008, wishing you a nice stay with my sister SEPTEMBER 2008"

BE blessed in September 2008!

May it be the best month of you life in Jesus name. Amen!
